Narrative Writer
Dear Mother
Poetic Form: Free Verse
Iteration Number: 3
Year Written: 2019
Synopsis: A personal poem that has become an unsent letter to my biological mother. The title can be viewed as the first line of the poem.
Dear Mother
We know nothing of each other
besides the fact that I was
But as soon as I
breached your surface,
your hands were not the ones that
held me.
You were not the one who
raised me
on the highest pedestal
because I was what you
cherished the most.
You were not the one I called
mom, momma, mommy.
I never had to reassure you
all throughout my innocent years
that you were my mom.
It was not you whose
beautiful white hands
were blackened,
not from me,
but from working on the assembly line
all night long.
And it certainly wasn’t you
who was with me
on the mission trip to Guatemala.
Security did not see you at all.
All they saw was
coffee and cream
that couldn’t possibly mix.
You did not watch me suffer
from the looks that wanted to pry,
looks of utter confusion
or pure disdain.
And you most certainly were not the one
who cried and pleaded as I held the razor
and watched as the blood spilled
(your blood).
No, mother
you only gave me life
and chose to let me live a better one.